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Politicking Timebomb
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bush brings in Karl "The Spinmeister" Zinsmeister

Finally, Bush found someone to replace Claude Allen as domestic policy advisor. Those were tough shoes to fill. Claude Allen was a very good Bushie until he resigned last Feburary. Described as a "ferocious" opponent of abortion, he supported abstinence-only sex education and was an enemy to groups working to fight the spread of AIDS. As the deputy secretary of Health and Human Services, Claude prevented a 21-year-old rape-victim from getting an abortion, you know, just because he felt like it. That sort of behavior got Claude a nice position in the Bush Administration, that is, until he got caught scamming Target. That incident, which brought his character into the spotlight, made him last March's Playerhater of the Month. [Note: The difference between a "playerhater" and a "playahata" is explained here] So who should this month's Playerhater of the Month be? I say Claude's new replacement: Karl Zinsmeister, editor of the American Enterprise Magazine, and author of several books about the Iraq War. Mr. Zinsmeister has already been busted pulling a scam. Here he is in a candid interview for college newspaper doing a profile of him in 2004:

"People in Washington are morally repugnant, cheating, shifty human beings. The mom who charters a bus for her kids to go to a rave is as bad as the lady with the crackpipe. We have sickness at the top and bottom of our society and we have a big middle, sensible with common sense and decency and morality"

Zinsmeister, according to the reporter who interviewed him, was very pleased with the article about him when it was published. So much that he posted the article on his own website, the American Enterprise Online. Except before he put it online, Zinsmeister made some revisions and alterations. Here is Zinsmeister, intentionally misquoting himself:

"I learned in Washington that there is an 'overclass' in this country stocked with cheating, shifty human beings that's just as morally repugnant as our 'underclass.' The mom who charters a bus for her kids to go to a rave is as bad as the lady with the crackpipe. We have sickness at the top and bottom of our society but we have a big middle that is full of common sense and decency"

So is this paramount to pulling a refund scam at Target? I say it's worse. Target deserves to be scammed. The average size of a Target is 125,000 square feet. They are hideous, urban sprawl-causing freak shows. Let them be robbed. But Zinsmeister's revisionism? How about we look at what he said in the first place: People in Washington are morally repugnant, cheating, shifty human beings. As a person in Washington, I resent that. And poor people are "sick" and "morally repugnant"? Give me a break. Zinsmeister is completely out of touch. This is the same idiot who concluded about Iraq in June, 2005, that: The War is Over, We Won. That's funny. I could have sworn the war is still raging. Why else would US Marines massacre 24 civilians in Haditha last November? Maybe the civilians were "morally repugnant, cheating" members of the Iraqi underclass, therefore, they deserved it. In any event, Zinsmeister will probably revise the little incident in Haditha to sound better next time he writes a book about the Iraq War. Man, this guy is such a hater.

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